Aviation Law
The Bruce Law Firm represents aircraft owners, operators and maintainers in a wide range of aviation regulatory compliance matters and in connection with the legal issues arising from accidents.
As someone with first-hand aviation experience, Steve Bruce can quickly identify the relevant issues and develop a defense strategy. The Firm’s existing knowledge base allows it to efficiently handle these matters without the billable hours needed to learn and understand the complex body of aviation laws and regulations.
The Firm can provide advice and counseling on:
- Aviation Insurance Defense
- Owner / Operator / Maintainer litigation defense
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Enforcement and Civil Penalty defense
- Fixed Base Operations issues
- FAA pilot certificate suspension and revocations
- FAA medical certificate suspensions and revocations
- Aircraft airworthiness issues
- Flight through restricted airspace and deviations from ATC clearances
- Pilot actions pursuant to aircraft emergencies
- Damage to personal property from aircraft operations
- Aircraft accidents and crashes (including accident re-creations and investigations)
- Military pilots facing Flight Evaluation Boards
To discuss your aviation issue, call (843) 314-4631 or contact us online.